ERU adopts the credit hour system

ERU adopts the credit hour system, which gives the student the opportunity to study according to his own pace and his own abilities. Unlike the usual fixed format teaching which is followed by Egyptian universities, the credit hour system enables the student to select a number of courses from a well planned academic program. Each student is assigned an academic advisor who guides him in planning his study program, monitors his progress, and helps solve any problems that may be encountered. The system encourages the students to develop independent thinking, gives them enough time to widen their scope of interest, and trains them to search for information through the use of the library and other learning facilities. A student is permitted to repeat a course in which a low grade was obtained in order to improve the overall average. Upon the recommendation of the Faculty Council, the University Council grants the B.Sc. degree in an academic program after the student successfully achieves the required number of credit hours, specified by the academic program regulations.

The academic year is divided into three semesters: fall and spring with duration of 15 weeks each, and summer with 6 intensive weeks. Following the regular study plan, a student of Engineering or Pharmacy can complete an academic program in 10 regular semesters (5 years). An exception is the Nuclear Power Stations Engineering program which regularly needs 11 semesters to complete. Instruction is in English, but some special courses in the humanities may be offered in Arabic.