الأخبار By using the augmented reality technology A researcher at the Egyptian Russian University develops a robotic system to deal with radioactive isotopes. اقرأ المزيد " June 20, 2021
الفعاليات In cooperation between the Egyptian Russian University and the Alumni Association, planting the Egyptian-Russian Friendship Tree. اقرأ المزيد " June 20, 2021
الأخبار A researcher at the Egyptian Russian University proposes equations that determine the design life of composite bridges using artificial intelligence. اقرأ المزيد " June 16, 2021
الأخبار A researcher at the Egyptian Russian University invents modern designs for satellite antennas. اقرأ المزيد " June 6, 2021
الأخبار The Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and Computers at the Egyptian Russian University provides important tips for creating a successful project اقرأ المزيد " June 6, 2021
الأخبار With 100% Egyptian raw materials and ingredients A lecturer of Structural Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University invents a lightweight concrete that reduces the impact of earthquakes اقرأ المزيد " June 6, 2021