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The study in the Department of Environmental Design is based on an interdisciplinary curriculum, where students study the areas of external and internal spatial design, through a single integrated and interrelated curriculum that combines the areas of specialization, which rely on design supported by technological and theoretical courses to form an integrated knowledge that combines aesthetic and functional experience in the light of addressing environmental standards in an interconnected and developed context. Each field focuses on the study of a set of practical courses (studio) comprehensive of the aspects of the specialization. Students address projects that study selected real-life cases within the scope of Greater Cairo including the New Administrative Capital and other cities, and new design solutions are developed for the aesthetic and functional problems, while also tackling projects that study the design of diverse topics in the field of specialization. Students also study supplementary courses such as building materials and methods, landscape, interior architecture, architectural design, technology, ecology, physical and digital communication skills, the history and theories of spatial design, scenography, and others. The specialization offers three core areas in environmental design: architecture and design of landscapes, interior architecture and furnishing, and scenography as the design of a spatial environment – for the theater, cinema, and television – whether external or internal, as well as the design of furniture, lighting, and other complementary elements to the formulation of the scene and the requirements of its human activities in the context of the residential and non-residential environment, theater arts, cinema, and television. Graduates of the Environmental Design program work in architectural design, landscape, interior architecture, and the design of public spaces and squares and the artistic formations they include, in addition to working in the fields of scenography such as the design of theatrical, cinematic, and television scenes and their costumes, the design and preparation of exhibitions, museums, and lighting systems, and the design and creation of water entities and elements with their aesthetic dimensions within the general functional context of external and inter-spaces within the framework of addressing environmental standards.
Emphasis in this area is placed on the study of architectural design and landscape design courses in one interrelated curriculum, both in terms of professional and experimental practice. Buildings are combined with the design of their inter-space and landscape spaces. Graduates of this program practice their work as designers, illustrators, curators, model makers, and project managers in the fields of integrated spatial design.
Students in the field of interior architecture and furnishing study architectural design, interior architecture design, and furnishing courses. The focus is on the full physical development of interior spaces, which include rooms and places of various purposes, complementary home furniture, and others. Students choose and apply manufactured materials and products such as furniture pieces, appliances, and finishing materials for walls, floors, ceilings, lighting, and everything related to the interior environment. Students also study architectural furnishing design and complementary furniture for interior spaces.
The Scenography program aims to equip students with a wide range of professional ideas, methodologies, and techniques that suit the expectations of the labor market. During the period of study, students will practice drawing, design, and hand and digital expression. They are also exposed to a wide range of artistic practices with a major focus on theatre, cinema, and television. Students will study topics directly related to scenography to enrich theoretical abilities and professional practice and at the same time will study indirect topics to develop their abilities in teamwork and develop a global understanding of intellectual and environmental issues. Graduates of the Environmental Design program work in architectural design, landscape, interior architecture, and the design of public spaces and squares and the artistic formations they contain, in addition to working in the fields of scenography such as the design of theatrical, cinematic, and television scenes and their costumes, the design and preparation of exhibitions, museums, and lighting systems, and the design and creation of water entities and elements with their aesthetic dimensions within the general functional context of external and inter-spaces within the framework of addressing environmental standards.
By the end of the study in the Department of Environmental Design, graduates will be able to: - Produce 3D spatial designs that address the social, cultural, aesthetic, and utilitarian aspects of human society. - Link and apply the history and theories of architecture and design to develop, innovate, and provide practical innovative design solutions. - Recognize and identify human impact on the earth and sustainable use through architectural design, landscape, interior architecture, furnishing, and scenography as well as their practical and aesthetic functions. - Use design and expressive knowledge in acting tools, whether traditional or new for film and television design, in addition to the techniques for the preparation of visual drama and advertising. - Produce 3D spatial designs that effectively and creatively integrate basic structural constructions and constructional systems and materials in addition to other finishing materials. - Understand, assimilate, and use tools, methodologies, languages, and methods of visual expression and their traditional and innovative technologies related to the disciplines of scenography. - Produce 3D spatial designs that effectively and creatively integrate the principles of human measurement, health, safety, and well-being. - Innovate design solutions in the fields of scenography with its effective integrated elements including fashion, lighting, scenery, and the construction of spatial environments with their details and elements for the production of films, theatrical performances, and television dramas. - Create, analyze, and evaluate physical and digital drawings and illustrations (horizontal projections, sectors, facades and elevations, semi-pivot drawings), presentations, multi-page studies, and 3D models. - Author ideas and information and express them effectively visually, verbally, and in writing. - Work effectively within collective, participatory, and collaborative work environments.