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Graduation ceremony of the first two classes of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at the Egyptian Russian University.

The Egyptian Russian University organized the graduation ceremony of the first and second classes of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, at the Al-Manara Conference Center, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Taya Abdellatif, Advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for student activities, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Al-Ghamry Al-Shawadfi, Advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the university, Dr. Walid Hassan, Head of the Central Department of Dentistry at the Ministry of Health, Mr. Marat Gatin, Director General of Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, Dr. Sherif Gad, President of the Egyptian Association of Alumni of Russian and Soviet Universities, a large group of deans of governmental and private faculties of oral and dental medicine, and a group of businessmen and investors in Badr City, deans of faculties and university faculty members.

The Egyptian Russian University organized the graduation ceremony of the first and second classes of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, at the Al-Manara Conference Center, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Taya Abdellatif, Advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for student activities, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Al-Ghamry Al-Shawadfi, Advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the university, Dr. Walid Hassan, Head of the Central Department of Dentistry at the Ministry of Health, Mr. Marat Gatin, Director General of Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, Dr. Sherif Gad, President of the Egyptian Association of Alumni of Russian and Soviet Universities, a large group of deans of governmental and private faculties of oral and dental medicine, and a group of businessmen and investors in Badr City, deans of faculties and university faculty members.