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In cooperation with the Educational Administration of Badr and Al-Shorouq Cities, the Egyptian Russian University organizes an art exhibition for gifted children.

Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abd-El-Nabi, president of the Egyptian Russian University, announced that the “Exhibition of Creations of Future Artists” was inaugurated by the children of the schools of Badr and Al-Shorouq Cities, which was held in the university’s central exhibition hall inside the Faculty of Fine Arts with the support of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mostafa, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees. Noting that this exhibition comes within the university’s goals in raising the artistic sense and cultural awareness among citizens, especially school students, to absorb their artistic energy and contribute to the development of their creative abilities. Pointing out that the number of participants from school students reached more than (70) students.

   In the same context, Dr. Safia Al-Qabbani, Visual Arts Advisor to the president of Egyptian Russian University, explained that the University Administration will adopt a campaign to support creative people periodically at the beginning and end of each academic year, especially in the fields of school activities, in cooperation with the Educational Administration of Badr and Al-Shorouq Cities under the the supervision of of Dr. Nasser El- Gendy, Director of the Educational Administration, and Shadia Mahmoud, Director of the Department of Services and Activities at the Educational Administration. Dr. Safia explained that training courses and a free department are being prepared at the colleges of “Fine Arts and Applied Arts” to receive parents, teachers of art education and everyone who wants to develop his hobby from adults. Moreover, a summer club will be established for children from 7 to 16 years old; to develop their talents.

   For his part, Dr. Mahmoud Orabi, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Egyptian Russian University added that the exhibition of the talented children is linked to the axis of community participation emanating from the vision and mission of the university as the exhibition includes works of art that reveal promising talents with distinguished artistic creativity. He also asserted that the university adopts an ambitious program to discover and nurture talented people in their societal surroundings. Then he thanked the Educational Administration and the Art Direction Sector in particular for their great efforts through the works of the students participating in the exhibition, as they are characterized by high technical characteristics and experience in the language of visual formation, whether in academic track adopting the methodology of simulating reality or in an expressive track.

   In the same context, Dr. Tarek Bilal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of parents of the Educational Administration of Badr and Al-Shorouq Cities, thanked the leaders of Egyptian Russian University for hosting the “Exhibition of Creations of Future Artists” from the students of the schools surrounding the university. He also praised the advanced capabilities and equipment in the “fields of applied and visual arts” inside the university campus. Then he expressed his appreciation to everyone who contributed to this great edifice, and the infrastructure and technology it possesses, as well as advanced laboratories and workshops.

   The inauguration of the exhibition was attended by Dr. Hanaa Abd El-Rahman, Head of the Student Activities at the university., Dr. Mohamed Badari, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the university, Dr. Hanan Samir, Head of the Graphic Department, Faculty of Fine Arts at the university. And from the Educational Administration, Sabah Hussein, Senior Mentor of Art Education, Safaa Sayed, Mentor, Azza Abd El- Khalek, Mentor, Ahmed Ali Senior Central Mentor of Art Education at the Directorate and the participation of students and teachers of art education in the schools of Al-Shorouq Educational Administration, in coordination with Ahmed Mahmoud , Head of the Badr Education City Sector.