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Participation of the Egyptian Russian University in the International Competition for Robotic Submarine “Mate ROV 2023”

Within the framework of the University’s keenness to develop the skills of its students, and under the auspices of Prof. Sherif Fakhry, President of the university and Prof. Alaa Al-Batsh, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Egyptian Russian University participated in the global competition “Mate ROV 2023” in its eleventh edition, whose local qualifiers were held at the headquarters of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Alexandria Governorate. Thirteen teams from the faculties of Engineering in Egyptian universities participated in this competition, in preparation for the escalation of the winner to represent Egypt in the International Competition in the United States of America, which will be held in June of this year.
The competition aims to build robotic submarines with an optimal design to perform some tasks underwater using artificial intelligence and remote control techniques.
The university team “RGS-Hydrotron”, under the supervision of Dr. Magdy Raouf, a lecturer at the Department of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, and Engineer Assem Reda, a teaching assistant at the same department, won the award for best performance and outstanding effort as a team participating for the first time in the local qualifiers “Mate ROV Egypt”.
Best wishes to all students of the Egyptian Russian University for continued excellence and distinction.