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Students Of Business Technology Project Viva .

Under the auspices of Professor Sherif Fakhry, the University President and Professor Taherah Hamia, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Business Technology, student projects viva in business technology was held. The aim of teaching the course was to achieve practical and programming outcomes using artificial intelligence techniques to solve problems and challenges.
The students presented several projects, including:
1. “Attendance Recording via Facial Recognition”: The students utilized artificial intelligence techniques and programming skills to develop a program that recognizes students and records their attendance and departure times using a code number.
2. “Assisting in Prevention of Diseases caused by Poor Diet”: This project involves recording a person’s weight and height to determine their body mass index, calculate metabolism rate and fat burning, and establish suitable dietary goals.
3. “Vehicle Management System”: The program allows users to search for vehicles using their code number, displaying the vehicle’s data and enabling modifications.
4. “Recording the University Vehicle Attendance and Departure via License Plates”: This program employs artificial intelligence techniques to analyze videos of license plates, automatically identifying the plate’s location regardless of variations in coordinates, and displaying the characters and numbers on the plate.
5. “Analyzing Customer Personality through E-Marketing”: This project involves detailed analysis of ideal company customers, helping business owners better understand their customers and facilitate product adjustments based on their needs, behaviors, and interests.
6. “Recording Lecture Absences through Seat Identification Cameras”: The program enables students to record their attendance by scanning their personalized Quick Response (QR) code after filling in their name or ID number. The attendance is then saved in a file using the student’s ID number, along with the time and date of their entry to the lecture.
Dr. Mohamed Behiri, the Lecturer at the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, participated in the projects viva.