The Research Journal of the Egyptian Russian University Accomplishes a Remarkable Achievement in the Area of Interdisciplinary Research … photos

The Research Journal of the Egyptian Russian University Accomplishes a Remarkable Achievement in the Area of Interdisciplinary Research ... photos

Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abd-el-Naby, President of the Egyptian Russian University (ERU), announced that the research journal of the Egyptian Russian University (ERU Research Journal) has been included in the list of the Supreme Council of Universities for Egyptian Scientific Journals, as it obtained seven marks, which is the maximum grade obtained by local Egyptian journals. He added that the journal has been approved by the promotion committees of the Supreme Council of Universities, which consolidates its role as a contributor to academic progress in Egypt. It is worth noting that the journal is published through and under the supervision of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), and with the support of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees.

In the same context, Dr. Essam Khamis, Advisor to the ERU President for Academic Development, pointed out that the university’s research journal includes a prestigious editorial board and a distinguished advisory committee. The journal’s editorial board is headed by the ERU President, and its advisory committee includes deans of faculties at the ERU. This contributes to enhancing academic coordination and steering the journal towards accomplishing the highest scientific standards. The journal is also proud of having an elite group of distinguished scholars from all over the world in its editorial board. This enhances the quality of published research and ensures scientific diversity in various specializations.

The Advisor to the ERU President for Academic Development stated that what distinguishes the ERU’s Journal is its commitment to supporting various fields of scientific research, whereas the journal’s multidisciplinary approach transcends a wide range of research fields. This makes it an ideal platform for researchers from different disciplines to share their results and contribute to the scientific society. This diversity ensures that the journal is not limited to specific scientific fields, but rather encourages innovation across various disciplines, which is crucial to addressing the complicated global challenges. It is worth mentioning that the journal is issued on a quarterly basis, thus, four issues are published annually. The first issue was published in October 2022.

For her part, Dr. Reham Hassan Makky, Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the ERU and the First Assistant to the Editor-in-chief of the journal, said that, as part of the journal’s efforts to encourage the dissemination of knowledge and remove financial obstacles, no publication fees are imposed on researchers, and accepted research is made available online for free. This policy is of special importance for making high-quality research available to researchers and academics from all countries of the world. The journal’s commitment to provide a free platform for Egyptian and international researchers to publish influential research contributes to advancing progress in different specializations and emphasizing Egypt’s role in achieving scientific progress.

Dr. Reham Hassan Makky confirmed that the journal abides by strict standards of scientific review to maintain a high academic level, as it adopts a double-blind peer review policy in order to ensure the publication of credible and innovative research. She explained that the success of the journal does not only reflect the quality of the research papers published in it, but also reflects the university’s commitment to enhancing academic excellence in cooperation with national institutions such as the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Dr. Reham also pointed out that the recent accomplishments of the journal reflect its commitment to enhancing its role in supporting academic research in Egypt. She asserted that the journal would continue to be committed to its mission of providing a free, open, and academically sound platform for researchers from all over the world and it aspires to become one of the internationally indexed journals with global citation rates.

It is worth noting that the team of assistants to the editorial board of the research journal at the ERU consists of: Dr. Hanaa Abd-el-Rahman Obaid, Advisor to the University President for Student Activities, Dr. Reham Hassan Mekky, Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Awad, Dr. Mohamed Ad-el-Sayed, Dr. Saad Samir Saad, Dr. Mohamed Gamal, Dr. Aly Fahd, Dr. Marwa Mustafa Mohie-el-Deen and Dr. Maysara Al-Muteiy.


 Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abd-el-Naby, President of the Egyptian Russian University (ERU), announced that the research journal of the Egyptian Russian University (ERU Research Journal) has been included in the list of the Supreme Council of Universities for Egyptian Scientific Journals, as it obtained seven marks, which is the maximum grade obtained by local Egyptian journals. He added that the journal has been approved by the promotion committees of the Supreme Council of Universities, which consolidates its role as a contributor to academic progress in Egypt. It is worth noting that the journal is published through and under the supervision of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), and with the support of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees.

In the same context, Dr. Essam Khamis, Advisor to the ERU President for Academic Development, pointed out that the university’s research journal includes a prestigious editorial board and a distinguished advisory committee. The journal’s editorial board is headed by the ERU President, and its advisory committee includes deans of faculties at the ERU. This contributes to enhancing academic coordination and steering the journal towards accomplishing the highest scientific standards. The journal is also proud of having an elite group of distinguished scholars from all over the world in its editorial board. This enhances the quality of published research and ensures scientific diversity in various specializations.

The Advisor to the ERU President for Academic Development stated that what distinguishes the ERU’s Journal is its commitment to supporting various fields of scientific research, whereas the journal’s multidisciplinary approach transcends a wide range of research fields. This makes it an ideal platform for researchers from different disciplines to share their results and contribute to the scientific society. This diversity ensures that the journal is not limited to specific scientific fields, but rather encourages innovation across various disciplines, which is crucial to addressing the complicated global challenges. It is worth mentioning that the journal is issued on a quarterly basis, thus, four issues are published annually. The first issue was published in October 2022.

For her part, Dr. Reham Hassan Makky, Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the ERU and the First Assistant to the Editor-in-chief of the journal, said that, as part of the journal’s efforts to encourage the dissemination of knowledge and remove financial obstacles, no publication fees are imposed on researchers, and accepted research is made available online for free. This policy is of special importance for making high-quality research available to researchers and academics from all countries of the world. The journal’s commitment to provide a free platform for Egyptian and international researchers to publish influential research contributes to advancing progress in different specializations and emphasizing Egypt’s role in achieving scientific progress.

Dr. Reham Hassan Makky confirmed that the journal abides by strict standards of scientific review to maintain a high academic level, as it adopts a double-blind peer review policy in order to ensure the publication of credible and innovative research. She explained that the success of the journal does not only reflect the quality of the research papers published in it, but also reflects the university’s commitment to enhancing academic excellence in cooperation with national institutions such as the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Dr. Reham also pointed out that the recent accomplishments of the journal reflect its commitment to enhancing its role in supporting academic research in Egypt. She asserted that the journal would continue to be committed to its mission of providing a free, open, and academically sound platform for researchers from all over the world and it aspires to become one of the internationally indexed journals with global citation rates.


It is worth noting that the team of assistants to the editorial board of the research journal at the ERU consists of: Dr. Hanaa Abd-el-Rahman Obaid, Advisor to the University President for Student Activities, Dr. Reham Hassan Mekky, Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Awad, Dr. Mohamed Ad-el-Sayed, Dr. Saad Samir Saad, Dr. Mohamed Gamal, Dr. Aly Fahd, Dr. Marwa Mustafa Mohie-el-Deen and Dr. Maysara Al-Muteiy.