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Applied Arts at the Egyptian Russian University reveals the most important student activities..

 Dr. Ezz El-Din Abdel Aziz, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts at the Egyptian Russian University, announced that as part of an effort to develop students’ academic and practical knowledge and experiences, and openness to new experiences, several activities were organized during the second semester of the academic year for the year (2023-2024), which included visits to some Industrial and economic facilities, in implementation of the college’s strategic plan and with the aim of training students and developing their practical skills in the fields of “applied arts”… Pointing out that these activities come with the support of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and the patronage of Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Nabi, President of the University.


The Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts at the Egyptian Russian University explained that a scientific field visit was organized for the students of the second level (first year) of the Printing and Packaging Department to the General Authority for Princely Printing Press Affairs, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nasr Mostafa, Head of the Department, and with the participation of some of the faculty members and the college’s supporting staff. With the aim of learning about the production process at the Amiri Printing House, the latest printing machines and the advanced technologies and techniques applied therein, as well as learning about all stages of processing and printing production and the stages of post-printing, finishing and binding. His Excellency added that the college administration also organized a field visit for students of the “Interior Design and Furniture” Department. “; For the “Cairo Design Week” exhibition, in its second season, under the supervision of Dr. Hossam Nazmy, Vice Dean of the College, and Dr. Yasser Maabad, Head of the Interior Design and Furniture Department, indicating that such visits contribute to refining and raising the efficiency of students of the multiple and diverse departments in the college and developing the innovative skills of students of applied arts. .

Dr. Ezz El-Din Abdel Aziz also added that, within the framework of working to transfer expertise from specialists and academics in various fields, a lecture was held, “The Art of Sculpture and its Relationship to the Labor Market and the Contemporary City,” delivered by Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aziz, professor and former head of the Department of Sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Helwan, stressing that such lectures add to the students’ accumulated knowledge bank, increase their opportunities for interaction with various fields of work after graduation, and help them with the ability to innovate in design projects during the study stages.  Due to their knowledge of various teaching methods, whether “local or international”.


 The Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts at the Egyptian Russian University revealed that the students expressed how happy they were;  because of the university’s keenness to prepare and train them, and provide them with the specialized skills necessary for professional practice and the labor market.