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Honoring ERU Youth Parliament Students

In the presence of Prof. Sherif Fakhry, ERU president, The Egyptian Russian University honored its senior students of the Youth Parliament, where an open discussion took place between the parliament students and the University President about the activities of the parliament during the last period. Students expressed their aspirations to develop the Youth Parliament activities at the university. They also presented their own proposals for organizing a simulation model of Egyptian political life, a number of cultural competitions on campus, in addition to a number of activities to raise national awareness among university students.

The meeting ended with the distribution of certificates of appreciation given to the university senior students from various faculties who are expected to graduate during the current academic year. The students expressed their happiness for being honored by the university.
It is worth noting that the Egyptian Russian University Youth Parliament is affiliated to the Egyptian Universities Youth Parliament under the supervision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Higher Education. The Egyptian Russian University is the first private university to adopt the Youth Parliament activities.
In this context, Prof. Hana Abdel Rahman, students activity manager, points out that the Egyptian Russian University exerts a lot of effort for supporting constructive student activities for raising its students’ awareness of contemporary national issues.

Assist. Lecturer, Morks Medhat, ERU Youth Parliament supervisor, stated that the opportunity for joining the university youth parliament will soon be available for new members to join.