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Students of the Egyptian Russian University - Faculty of Engineering - Mechatronics and Robotics Program - won the competition organized by Value Company for supporting graduation projects …

The graduation project (Designing the Third Level of Smart Self-driving and Applying it to Electric Car), under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Mohamed Al-Ramsisy, Professor of Smart Systems Engineering, Department of Mechatronics and Robotics – Faculty of Engineering – at the Egyptian Russian University (ERU), won the competition that had been organized by Value International Company, which is specialized in designing and manufacturing modern automobile systems.
The third level achieves the process of autonomous and independent driving of the car and its movement from a specific point to a targeted destination by selecting the most appropriate route. This is achieved through the integration of the location data received from the Global Navigation System (GPS) with detailed maps of the launching area. The car can avoid obstacles which may appear on its way, both fixed and moving ones, thanks to a variety of sensors …
The third level project for smart self-driving is being implemented by using an integrated set of modern technologies which includes: artificial intelligence technology, computerized vision, artificial neural networks, deep learning algorithms, technology of embedded systems, in addition to the technology of robotic operating systems. Navigation systems are implemented and integrated with steering and controlling systems in the car, whereas they enable it to move along the specified route and to updates the data in order to ensure that it does not deviate from the specified route.
The project is implemented in three main stages: the stage of design, the stage of simulation and functionality testing, the stage of implementing the subsystems and testing them, the stage of integration among all the used components and software systems and the implementation and testing of the initial sample. It is worth mentioning that this project is an extension of previous graduation projects for implementing an advanced set of smart systems used in electric cars, which included the commitment to moving in a specific lane, cruise control, and collision avoidance, in addition to monitoring the driver’s performance while driving and recording the car’s performance rates to be used in analyzing accidents when needed.
This project represents one of the principal pillars in carrying out the ERU’s strategy for localizing the smart electric car technology as one of the main national directions of the stragy of (STI-2030) to build a knowledge-based economy, encourage innovation and localize technology. The trend of autonomous smart vehicles also represents one of the main directions of the ERU in building an environment of education and applied research with the goal of gradual transformation and meeting the requirements of the third generation of modern universities.
The third level project for smart self-driving is being implemented by a work team of undergraduate students of the mechatronics and robotics program. They are: Abd-el-Rahman Abd-el-Fattah Al-Rasheedy, Ibrahim Al-Sayed Al-Sayed, Mohsen Mohamed, Hossam Hassan, Mahmoud Zalat, Dina Mohamed Fouad, Shorouk Wae, Rawda Abd-el-Khaleq, Aya Abdullah, Nesma Ramadan and Maryam Abd-el-Rahman.