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The Egyptian Russian University holds an event “Together towards a society free of violence” watch the video.

The Egyptian Russian University organized an event to confront societal violence in all its forms under the slogan “Together towards a society free of violence”, within the framework of the university’s awareness and guidance role. As this phenomenon poses a threat to society and its future, and to prepare students morally and psychologically; to become active in shaping society in an optimal way, the event was held in the Great Conference Hall “Dr. Sherif Helmy Hall” on the university campus.

Dr. Sherif Fakhry Abdel- Nabi, president of the Egyptian Russian University, announced that the event aims at combating the phenomenon of violence and bullying by raising awareness of the concept of societal violence, its forms, motives, physical and psychological damage to individuals. In addition to ways to confront it and the resulting harm and fear that restrict individuals’ freedom, weaken their capabilities, impede their progress and achieving their aspirations. And as an academic community, we must unite in order to eradicate this phenomenon.

Dr. Hanaa Abdel Rahman, the Supervisor of the student activity at the Egyptian Russian University, indicated that the event came in cooperation with the “Anti-Violence Against Women” unit at Ain Shams University which dealt with mechanisms to help those exposed to violence, whether “physically or psychologically” and methods of combating it, as well as, deterring any form of violence, bullying and harassment in society in order to achieve the sustainable development goals in line with “Egypt Vision 2030”.

Dr. Hend Al- Hilali, Director of the Anti-Violence Against Women Unit at Ain Shams University, explained in her speech the concept of violence and its forms inside and outside the university campus, domestic violence , its forms and the reasons for its increasing. In addition to, types and forms of harassment; especially electronic and the state’s role in confronting violence, particularly that is directed against women and empowering women in all fields. She also added that the most important way to succeed in combating violence against women is to rehabilitate behavior and ethics. Dr. Hoda asked the attendances at the symposium, especially the students, that each one of them should be a “messenger” to raise awareness of the environment and the surrounding community so that this phenomenon is eliminated, as it is not accepted by a sane person or any divine religion.

Dr. Eman El-Gamil, the unit’s legal advisor and the instructor of criminal law at the Faculty of Law , Ain Shams University, referred to the laws that are against the violence against women in the Egyptian constitution, the difference between harassment and its types, the legal frameworks for anti violence units inside universities, the laws of inheritance, forced marriage and internet crimes.

Dr. Hoda Helal, Environmental Accounting Consultant and Director of the Green Transformation Unit at Ain Shams University, indicated the role of the state and the National Council for women in developing the capabilities of Egyptian women and girls to be entrepreneurs and the role of the universities in developing these capabilities to work on small and micro projects. In addition to the role of women in achieving the state’s green strategy through training on waste recycling projects and rooftop cultivation.

After the symposium, a workshop was held under the supervision of Dr. Amani Abd Elal, a clinical psychologist and “one – do” training consultant; for training in self defense methods using the method known as “One, Do”, which is a mixture of self-defense methods developed specifically for girls, so that they are able to use it to defend themselves in their daily life easily as well as using body language, a dagger look and verbal speech, and the physical defense techniques that are easy to use in daily life.

At the end of the event, Dr. Hend Al-Hilali, on behalf of Dr. Mahmoud El-Matini, president of Ain Shams University offered the shield of Ain Shams University to the Egyptian Russian University. Then Dr. Sherif Fakhry, president of the Egyptian Russian University, honored the distinguished guests and the representatives of the “Anti Violence Against Women” unit at Ain Shams University: “Dr. Hend Al-Hilali, Dr. Hoda Helal, Dr. Eman Al-Gamil, Dr. Amani Abd Elal, and Rania Al-Assal”.

The Egyptian Russian University organized an event to confront societal violence in all its forms under the slogan “Together towards a society free of violence”, within the framework of the university’s awareness and guidance role. As this phenomenon poses a threat to society and its future, and to prepare students morally and psychologically; to become active in shaping society in an optimal way, the event was held in the Great Conference Hall “Dr. Sherif Helmy Hall” on the university campus.