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3rd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023 Entitled “Advancements in Pharmacy Research” 4th November 2023

Faculty of Pharmacy, ERU delighted to extend a warm invitation to attend the 3rd International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, to be held in Grand Hall conference at ERU university on November, 4th 2023.
We are expanding the scope of our conference to cover the interests of all expertise related to pharmaceutical sciences starting from the Pharmacy education going through practice supported by research in all related basic and applied sciences
This conference offers a wonderful opportunity for sharing and discussing scientific research in all pharmacy & health care research areas.
 The deadline for registration is October, 27th 2023
 Registration fees: 500 L.E. (Attender or Participant) for Non-ERU members (Details for registration fees Payment will be sent within 24 Hr. after registration)
 Abstract submission at:
 The deadline for abstract submission is October, 20th 2023
General Requirements:
 The Corresponding Author, will be considered as Representative Author for the poster. Additional names will be considered as Co-Authors.
 Poster submission is permitted only for academic faculty, researchers, scientists and postgraduate students.
 Presence of any representative author in the conference is mandatory for acceptance of Poster submission.
Poster Guidelines:
 Size of the poster 84 cm width and 118 cm height (Portrait format only)
 Each Poster will be assigned a display code at the venue. This information will be displayed in the event area. Please check the display code at the Poster Area
 Posters are to be fixed in the designated space at least one hour before the poster session
 Materials required to fix the poster like glue tack, adhesive tape, double face, etc. will be the author’s responsibility.
 Posters are to be removed after poster’s session of the conference.
 The abstract submission deadline is October, 20th 2023.
 Upon acceptance of the abstract, the corresponding author will be notified via email.
Abstract Guidelines (English language only):
 Abstract: It may contain a maximum of 300 words (please, track your words count before submission).
 Title: Should be concise Maximum length: 90 characters, including spaces. (It should be written in: Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, Bold, Line spacing 1)
 Author’s Names: Names will appear below the title (It should be written in: Times New Roman, Font size 11, Regular, Line spacing 1)
 Authors affiliation: Clear & Concise (It should be written below the names in: Times New Roman, font size 11, Italic, Line spacing 1)
 Abstract Body: It should be submitted as a single paragraph including an introduction, methods, results and conclusions. (It should be written in: Times New Roman, Font size 12, Regular, Line spacing 1.15) Introduction: briefly and clearly describe the hypothesis of the study. Why was the study conducted? Methods: the experimental methods and processes employed in the study. What did you do?
Results: describe the precise findings of the study. Describe what you found and include data? Conclusions: describe logically sound conclusions and reliable inferences drawn from the study results. Why are the study’s findings important?
 Keywords: About 3-7 key words (arranged alphabetically), must be included below the abstract body
(should be written in: Times New Roman, Font size 12, Italic, Line spacing 1).
Best Wishes
Prof. Afaf A. Ramadan