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A researcher at the Egyptian Russian University invents modern designs for satellite antennas

Dr. Shaymaa Mostafa Gaber Boghdady the Associate. Professor at the Egyptian Russian University innovated modern designs for antennas such as plasma antennas, reconfigurable antenna and very small sized antennas of about hundreds of nanometers (nano-antenna reflectarray) for applications such as spectroscopy, photovoltaic and optical imaging. This cooperation comes with a special group of researchers, Prof. Dr. Saber Helmy Zain al-Deen, Asoc. Prof. Dr. Hend Abd El-Azem M. Malhat from Minoufiya University and Asoc. Prof. Dr.Noha Abdel Salam El Shalaby from Kafer El-shiekh University and they are among the distinguished professors who have won international and local awards such as the  “State Incentive Award”.

Dr. Shaymaa Mostafa Gaber Boghdady added that reflectarray and transmitarray antennas on planar, conformal cylindrical and spherical surfaces for many practical applications such as missiles and aircrafts. Also their manufacturing materials varies according to their use. She explained that most of the modern systems that provide human well-being and help achieve sustainability use distinguished modern antennas, and progress in the field of antennas increases the effectiveness of these systems. Research is currently focused on developing antennas that are “small in size, light in weight, low in cost, easy to manufacture, and low power consumption.

The Asoc. Prof. in the Department of Telecommunication, Faculty of Engineering, Egyptian Russian University Dr. Shaymaa Mostafa Gaber Boghdady  indicated that antennas are used in : “communication, satellites, military as shipboard / submarine antenna replacements, unmanned air vehicle sensor antennas,  remote sensing, imaging and medical diagnosis, microwaves, electromagnetic energy harvesting, solar cells, IFF (identification friend or foe) land-based vehicle antennas and stealth aircraft antenna replacements. Also, it has number of commercial applications as telemetry & broad-band communications, ground penetrating radar, navigation, weather radar and wind shear detection, remote sensing, imaging and medical diagnosis, microwaves, electromagnetic energy harvesting and solar cells” systems, people depends on some of those systems daily as they are used for example in mobile phones, Smart Cards, Biometric Identification, and Magnetic strip Cards”.

Dr.Shaymaa Boghdady explained that the reflectarray antennas antennas design in this work includes five antennas. The first antenna is designing sector reflectarrays on conformal cylindrical and spherical surfaces. The second reflectarray is a tunable reflectarray based on elements tuned using varactor diodes for beam steering. The reflectarray element consists of a C-shaped patch, printed on a substrate loaded with one varactor diode. The third reflectarray is a wideband perforated rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) reflectarray. The arrays of RDRA are formed from one piece of dielectric material. Air-filled holes are drilled into the material around the RDRA. The fourth reflectarray is the plasma reflectarray. The last reflectarray is perforated nanoantenna reflectarray made of silver for applications such as spectroscopy, photovoltaic and optical imaging.

The Asoc. Prof. in the Department of Telecommunication Engineering in the University noted that the transmitarray antennas consists of five types:” The first transmitarray is linear polarized transmitarray antenna using rectangular dielectric resonator as the unit cell elements. In The second transmitarray is circularly polarized transmitarray at 10GHz. The third transmitarray is a dual-polarization dual-band transmitarray for satellite applications. The fourth transmitarray is perforated transmitarray for wideband application. The transmitarray is formed from a single dielectric sheet by perforating selected areas of the material. The last transmitarray is a multilayer dielectric resonator antenna transmitarray for fixed RFID reader applications is presented at 5.8 GHz”.

It’s worth mentioning that Dr.Shaymaa Mostafa Gaber Boghdady has published 16 scientific research papers in international journals and 16 scientific research papers in local and international conferences. She also won the Best Research Award at the Radio Science Conference for Science and Technology in 2011. She recently published a book in English entitled “Analysis and Design of Reflectarrays/Transmitarrays Antennas”, the book deals with modern requirements for Antenna Design for Communication, Satellites and Radars.

Dr. Shaymaa Mostafa Gaber Boghdady the Associate. Professor at the Egyptian Russian University innovated modern designs for antennas such as plasma antennas, reconfigurable antenna and very small sized antennas of about hundreds of nanometers (nano-antenna reflectarray) for applications such as spectroscopy, photovoltaic and optical imaging