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A symposium on “Game Addiction among Teenagers & Adults” at the Egyptian Russian University

Within the framework of the university’s community educational role, and due to the adolescents’ increasing use of electronic games and the fact that some have reached the point of electronic game addiction disorder, or exposure to harmful content, or false information via the Internet, the Egyptian Russian University is organizing a symposium in cooperation with: The International Association for the Study of Game Addictions (IASGA),on the harmful effects of excessive online activities, including video games, and an assessment of these risks and how to deal with them.

The symposium is conducted by:
1.Dr. Tatyana Zinchenko
President of the International Association for the Study of Game Addiction
2. Dr. Olga Andreeva, psychologist
3.Mr. Roman Gural, IT specialist
4. Julia Gural, IT specialist

It will be held on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 1 pm at the university theatre.
The invitation is public to university students, faculty staff members and the supporting staff.