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After reducing the total score to 70% The Egyptian Russian University offers partial scholarships to those wishing to enroll in the Faculty of Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel-Nabi, President of the Egyptian Russian University, in Badr City, Cairo, announced that the university seeks to attract distinguished, hardworking and creative students from new high school graduates to join the Faculty of Engineering, which provides a distinguished innovative environment for students; These scholarships represent a 20% discount on tuition fees; For those who obtained high school in the current academic year (2020-2021) with 75% or more.. indicating that the scholarship continues throughout the university study period until graduation, provided that the cumulative average during study at the University’s College of Engineering is not less than (3).

The President of the Egyptian Russian University added that the minimum threshold for applying and joining the Faculty of Engineering at the university has been reduced to 70%; For students who have obtained the Egyptian General Secondary School for the ending academic year (2020-2021), indicating that the university is fully prepared to assist students wishing to enroll in any of the university’s faculties by registering them on the website of the Council of Private and Private Universities, which is as follows: “www.cpnu-admission.” through the computer labs inside the university campus in Badr City.

Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Nabi confirmed that the College of Engineering has signed many agreements with important official and private Egyptian authorities, including: “The National Center for Housing and Building Research, the Egyptian Space Agency, and the Nuclear Energy Authority” for practical and field training for students of the College of Engineering in major national projects that participate He revealed that the university administration had signed cooperation agreements with a group of “Russian universities”, especially those distinguished in the fields of engineering sciences. Some of these agreements allow the exchange of students and professors and the granting of dual “Egyptian and Russian” degrees, including:

Izhevsk State Technical University “ISTU”.

Moscow Friendship University “RUDN”.

Tomsk Polytechnic State University “TPU”.

National Nuclear Research University of the Russian Federation “MEPHI”.

Kazan Federal University “KFU”.

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering “National Research University”, “MGSU”.

Belgorod State Technological University “BSTU”.

In the same context, Prof. Dr. Alaa El-Batsh, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University, pointed out that all graduates of the faculty have the right to join the Syndicate of Engineers; Because all of the college’s programs are accredited by the Syndicate of Engineers and the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, explaining that the duration of study in the College of Engineering is five academic years, provided that the student passes the number of credit hours; According to each major, the college grants a “Bachelor of Engineering” degree in the following programs:

1- The construction engineering program “accredited by the Federation of Arab Engineers”.

2- Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Program “accredited by the Federation of Arab Engineers”.

3- Architectural engineering program “accredited by the Federation of Arab Engineers”.

4- Communications Engineering Program.

Noting that these programs allow college graduates to work in Arab countries that require the accreditation of study programs from the Federation of Arab Engineers.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University stated that there is an agreement with the international company “Huawei”; To train a number of faculty members and the supporting body in the Faculty of Engineering to become trainers for students and graduates from various Egyptian universities to provide them with skills in the field of “information technology, networks, cellular phones, and some important modern technological sciences”, especially the fifth generation of communications, which the local and global labor market is struggling with. .. Adding that it was agreed with representatives of “Huawei” that the university would participate in the periodic employment forums held by “Huawei”, in which many companies operating inside and outside Egypt, which are looking for cadres who have been trained in new branches of engineering sciences, participate in order to employ them. .

Prof. Dr. Alaa Al-Batsh noted that the college gives priority to scientific research and encourages students to innovate and excel, as the College of Engineering participates annually in the Egyptian Rally for the manufacture of electric cars, which has been held by the Academy of Scientific Research since 2018, to prepare and build Egyptian engineering cadres capable of working in the field of automobile industry. The students of the Faculty of Engineering at the university were able to reach the final stages of the competition copies during the past three years, which are: “2018, 2019, and 2020” and they have distinguished experiences, which allowed them to obtain second place in the 2019 edition of the rally, in addition to one of the other students inventing a power generator. It generates electricity when cars pass over it.

The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University pointed out that in February 2021, the Faculty of Engineering received a delegation from the Egyptian Space Agency, headed by Engineer Waseem Issa, and a joint cooperation protocol was signed between the Faculty of Engineering at the university and the Egyptian Space Agency. ; To participate in the implementation of an educational satellite project, linked to the Egyptian space technology education platform, and that the most important items of joint cooperation between the university and the space agency is to equip an educational satellite laboratory of the latest model to be used in training cadres of students and researchers, as the laboratory contains technological components and simulation programs The Egyptian Universities Satellite.

Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel-Nabi, President of the Egyptian Russian University, in Badr City, Cairo, announced that the university seeks to attract distinguished, hardworking and creative students from new high school graduates to join the Faculty of Engineering, which provides a distinguished innovative environment for students; These scholarships represent a 20% discount on tuition fees; For those who obtained high school in the current academic year (2020-2021) with 75% or more.. indicating that the scholarship continues throughout the university study period until graduation, provided that the cumulative average during study at the University’s College of Engineering is not less than (3).