In Closing Events … The Egyptian Russian University honors 170 talented students from the Children’s University … photos

In Closing Events ... The Egyptian Russian University honors 170 talented students from the Children’s University ... photos

Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abd-el-Naby, President of the Egyptian Russian University (ERU), announced that (170) talented students from the Children’s University were honored during the conclusion of the “Children’s University” activities for the academic year (2023-2024). The activities of the program were presented and teaching was completed for four batches of students: from fifth to eighth.  The study included the introductory stage “E1 and E2” for new batches in various scientific and technical specializations, and the “F1” stage for older batches, where the student chooses a specialization and completes his studies in it for four years. Dr. Sherif pointed out that the conclusion of the activities was under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, and in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology headed by Dr. Gina El-Feqy.

During his speech at the closing ceremony, the President of the Egyptian Russian University stressed that, based on the social responsibility, and in order to achieve the university’s mission to contribute to community development and prepare cadres for the future, the university is adopting an ambitious program to discover and nurture gifted children and to provide an incubating environment for creative ones, through a group of initiatives and events which target children and young learners …

He pointed out that the university pays great attention to the students of the Children’s University, as this study program opens up numerous horizons for them before they enter the secondary stage. This helps them determine the path they wish to pursue to complete their school education and then “university education” in order to achieve their ambitions … He expressed his happiness at hosting the students of the Children’s University, “the geniuses of the bright future,” and urged them to work hard in their studying and to work on honing their talents and activating their passion for inquiring, exploring and studying all the phenomena around them, in addition to thinking about the field of entrepreneurship, and to continuously develop their capabilities in various fields as this will benefit them and their home country.

For her part, Dr. Hanaa Abd-el-Rahman, Advisor to the ERU President for Student Activities, paid tribute to the parents of the Children’s University students for the time, effort and support they gave to their children during the implementation of the study program. She thanked the Children’s University work team at the ERU for their efforts and for presenting the program content in an impressive manner. It was effective and was praised by concerned parties from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and by the parents of children as well.

The Advisor to the ERU President for Student Activities explained that the students of the “Children’s University” carried out some projects that they chose by themselves and felt a sincere desire to implement them. The ideas of these projects were in line with their inclinations, and at the same time served the goals of the content of the courses which were taught. She added that the students presented their projects at the closing ceremony, in front of the audience of parents and university guests. They were honored for their outstanding performance in the projects and for the spirit of cooperation which they demonstrated through their team work.

In the same context, Dr. Heba Abu-Stait, the Children’s University Coordinator at the ERU, asserted that 170 talented children, who were hosted by the university campus over the course of a month and a half, have been honored during the ceremony. During this period, all the scientific content, which had been approved by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, was explained by organizing lectures and workshops for all students of the “Children’s University” at the ERU’s faculties in ways that conform with the various specializations in order to achieve the maximum benefit for children.

She added that the closing ceremony was organized to review what was accomplished during this academic year, and to bring happiness to the participating children who excellently completed this stage. The ceremony was praised by the parents as well as the officials of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.

The Children’s University Coordinator at the ERU stated that, during the closing ceremony, Professor Dr. Sherif Fakhry, the ERU President, honored the work team of the Children’s University at the ERU, as an expression of the university’s appreciation for their effective efforts in the Children’s University Initiative. The team consists of a group of faculty members and supporting staff from the various faculties of the university. The work team members are as follows: Dr. Omar Abd-el-Aziz, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Noha Mohamed, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Mona Mussa, Lecturer at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business Technology; Dr. Mohamed Maher, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Kamel, Lecturer at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine; Ms. Youmna Sherif, Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts; Ms. Amany Ahmed Ramadan, Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering; Pharmacist/ Hossam Atteya, Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Pharmacy; Pharmacist/ Asmaa Sabry, Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Pharmacy; Ms. Nadeem Mohamed, Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts, and Pharmacist/ Nouran Abd-el-Hamid, Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

In a related vein, Engineer Eman Abd-el-Moaty, Administrative Director of the “Children’s University” Program at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, said that the “Children’s University” activities aimed at building the students’ capacities, honing their talents and introducing them to the university community and its fields of study. The activities also aimed at enabling the students to acquire the necessary skills in order to prepare them as effective cadres in the future, to keep pace with the state’s interest in education and scientific research and to achieve “Egypt’s Vision 2030” for sustainable development.

In the same context, Engineer Eman Abd-el-Moaty also praised the outstanding performance and the efforts exerted by the work team of the “Egyptian Russian University”, the impact of which was evident on all the “Children’s University” students during the closing ceremony of the academic program.

The closing ceremony of the “Children’s University” study program at the ERU’s headquarters  was attended by: Dr. Ehab Fattouh, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy; Dr. Khaled Tawfik, Dean of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine; Dr. Alaa Mohamed Al-Batsh, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering; Dr. Mohamed Oraby, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts; Ms. / Ekram Mohamed Abd-el-Hamid, the University Secretary-General; Engineer/ Ghada Farrag, member of the Board of Trustees of Badr City; Dr. Rehab Hussein, Head of the Monitoring Committee of the Children’s University Program at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology .. in addition to a large number of faculty members, prominent figures of higher education and students’ parents.