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In the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and some public figures, the Egyptian Russian University celebrates the graduation of two classes of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine

Under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Kamal El-Sayed Mostafa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Egyptian Russian University, the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City celebrated, the graduation of the first class of 2019 and the second class of 2020 of its students from the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in the great hall of the “Manara Conference Center in the presence of the faculty members, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, elite businessmen, public figures and parents.

The celebration began with presenting the queue of graduates, singing national anthem and reciting of verses from the Noble Qur’an. There was a presentation of a short film about the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, an artistic show by one of the graduates, who was a member of the Egyptian Russian University choir team and speeches by the university president, the dean of the faculty and the guests. The President of the University and the Dean of the College offered the university’s shields to the distinguished guests. By reciting the professional pledge, the graduates announced the start of their career. Master’s and doctoral degrees holders from the members of the supporting staff of the faculty and the first two batches top students were honored. At the end of the celebration, graduation certificates were distributed to the graduates from 2019 and 2020 batches, with best wishes from everyone for a prosperous future.

Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Naby, President of the Egyptian Russian University, expressed his happiness in graduating the first class of 2019 and the second class of 2020 in the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine. During his speech, he saluted the parents in the hall who worked hard to present a good doctor, who belongs to his country, to the society. Moreover, he dedicated this achievement to Prof. Dr./ Sherif Helmy,” the founder and first president of the university. He also saluted the faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine and the previous and current university leaders who supported the faculty until it reached this level in a few years after its opening in 2014. He asked the graduates to continue the process of researching and learning to keep pace with new things in their professional field. He advised the graduates to communicate with the university leaders, who will welcome them happily, to get benefit from the means of graduate studies, research and libraries or any complementary courses that help them in the labor market at the beginning of their journey in practical life and its challenges, whether at local or international level.

For his part, Prof. Khaled Tawfik, Dean of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at the Egyptian Russian University, added that the certificates given to the graduates from the first class of 2019 and the second class of 2020 are among the most important documents; it will open the doors of success for them in practical life, whether inside or outside Egypt. He calls the new graduates to be updated with everything new in their profession as technology has entered the world of oral and dental medicine greatly.  He wished them continuous success in their career.

Dr. Hisham El-Hawary, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine at the Egyptian Russian University, congratulated the new graduates and asked them to play their role in building society and to continue excreting efforts so that the country stands high, thanks to its honorable and diligent sons like them. He asked the graduates to arm themselves with the science and right morals as they are the most important factors in the success and elevation of society. He congratulated the parents who sacrificed precious things to reach this day in which they reap the fruits of their efforts and celebrate the graduation of their children.

In the same context, Mrs. Ikram Mohamed Abdel Hamid, Secretary-General of the Egyptian Russian University, indicated that the university administration is doing its best to achieve quality in academic, research and administrative aspects and student activities throughout the year in the faculty and to provide a rich institutional educational experience that successfully depends on technology. The faculty offered modern and advanced educational programs for its students. Moreover, she praised the new graduates who not only worked hard in their studies, but also showed determination and perseverance in achieving their ambitions, despite the difficult conditions that the country and the world were going through during the “Corona Virus” pandemic for more than two years. They proved their success in obtaining the bachelor degree.

The graduation ceremony of the first class of 2019 and the second class of 2020 was attended by: “Dr. Taye Abdullatif – Councilor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Student Activities, Dr. Muhammad Al-Ghamry Al-Shawadfi – Councilor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the university, Dr. Tariq Salah Al-Din – Head of the Dental Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities, Dr. Mohamed Diaa – Dean of the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in Ain Shams University, Dr. Magdy Bayoumi – Undersecretary of the Dental Syndicate, Dr. Walid Hassan – Head of the Central Department of Dentistry at the Ministry of Health, Mr. Marat Gatin – General Director of the Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, Dr. Sherif Gad – President of the Egyptian Association of Alumni of Russian and Soviet Universities, a group of deans of oral and dental faculties in public and private universities, a group of businessmen, deans of faculties, the faculty members, public figures and journalists.

Under the auspices of Dr. Mohamed Kamal El-Sayed Mostafa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Egyptian Russian University, the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City celebrated, the graduation of the first class of 2019 and the second class of 2020 of its students from the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in the great hall of the “Manara Conference Center in the presence of the faculty members, representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, elite businessmen, public figures and parents.