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Students of the Tele Titans Scientific Society for Communications, Electronics and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Engineering - Egyptian Russian University participate in the “Thirty-Third International Computer Conference (ICCTA 2023)”

In light of the keenness of the Scientific Society for Communications, Electronics and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Engineering to participate in scientific conferences, and to encourage the students to learn about the latest in the field of research, development and innovation, a group of students from the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University, under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Maher, the lecturer of Communications Engineering and responsible for the Scientific Society, attended the activities of The 33rd International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2023), which was held at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT).
In this context, Dr. Mohamed Maher, presented a research paper at the conference under the title:
“Comparative Analysis of Gigabit Passive and Active Optical Networks for Undetectable Signal Interception”
This is in partnership with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hussein, President Advisor at the Naval Academy for Education, and Director of the Naval Academy El Alamein Branch, and Dr. Khaled Farouk, Brigadier Dr. in Air Defense College, and Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Dr. Muhammad Hussein, Dean of the Military Technical College.
The students participating the conference from the Department of Communications Engineering are: Ahmed Khaled, Ahmed Tawfiq, and Bahaa Hisham Mansour.