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The Egyptian Russian University participates in the Employment Conference of the Ministry of Youth to provide job opportunities for graduates

 Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Nabi, President of the Egyptian Russian University, announced that the university will participate, Tuesday 23 March, in the conference of the “Pioneers 2021” exhibition for career planning and rehabilitation for the labor market organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the presence of the Minister, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Sobhy. He explained that the goal of Participation lies in giving  students and fresh graduates the chance to meet and interact with people who have qualifications and successful experiences and experiences and to closely polish young people with the skills required by the labor market.

The President of the Egyptian Russian University added finding  real training opportunities for the attending students and graduates of the universities a through the exhibition that will be held within the conference for a large group of companies and banks is among the advantages of participation.

He mentioned that the university is participating with a delegation of more than (120) students and teaching members throughout the exhibition days; In order to achieve the greatest benefit for the students.

In the same regard, Dr. Al-Tahera Al-Sayed Hamieh, Dean of the Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and Computers at the Egyptian Russian University, confirmed that the conference indicates the state’s interest in developing  youths’ skills and qualify them for the labor market to obtain jobs in investment institutions, securities and the banking sector. Moreover, the conference is a golden opportunity for students and fresh graduates because it discusses contemporary developments for work in software and information technology companies. She noted that working on introducing the internationally approved professional license and its importance in the Egyptian and international labor market is among the conference themes.

The Dean of the Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and Computers at the Egyptian Russian University stated that the ministry, in cooperation with private sector companies, provides many job opportunities in several fields for all qualifications through personal interviews and direct contact with recruiters, in addition to providing free training before the interview to increase the chances of acceptance in jobs.

She elaborated that the conference shades the light on the necessity to expand the provision of suitable job opportunities for the youth in the private sector instead of making them wait for the governmental jobs that are very limited and do not build relable business and companies owners have the ability to keep pace with the global development in industry and investment.

The heads of the Egyptian Russian University, the Housing and Building National Research Center and the Izhevsk State Technical University in the Russian Federation inaugurated the activities of the 12th International Conference on “Nanotechnology for Green and Sustainable Construction”