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On the occasion of the five-year anniversary of its establishment The Egyptian Russian University reveals the achievements of its student team for Mechatronics and Robotics lovers.

The first team of mechatronics and robotics engineering lovers at the Egyptian Russian University was established in February 2016 from some students of the first year in the “Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering” program at the Faculty of Engineering under the name of “RGS” “Robotics Geek School”. It aims to fulfill their passion for robots and their need to provide means of practical application on what they study in the fields of Robots, electronics, control and programming systems. For competition and exchange of experiences between them in this field, the team has become an applied school for robots whose members of students adabt the notion of self-learning and transfering their practical experiences to their colleagues, especially new members from the first years of study, to ensure the continuity of the team and transfering experiences to successive generations of the faculty Team members.

The team was established based on the proposal of Eng. Mahmoud Sayed (a student in the first year in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Program at the Faculty of Engineering at the time) to Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Nabi (Dean of the College of Engineering at the time), and it was welcomed and supported by the college administration. The first members of the team are (Mahmoud Sayed, Asim Rida, Muhammad Ali, Mahmoud Bilal, Hassan Kahla, Muhammad al-Sunbati, Muhammad Alaa, Mahmoud Ahmed, Syed Samir, Imad Fathy, Muhammad Tariq), who graduated from the college in 2019. However, the team is still running with new members joining it every year, who are trained by their elder colleagues.

Prof. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel Nabi, President of the Egyptian Russian University, stated that the “RGS” team was an inspiration for students and faculty members in the field. It greatly encouraged applying small projects in various courses of Mechatronics, Robotics and Communication Engineering programs in the college, starting from the first year, so that the graduates gain the ability to link the theoretical to practical part of the courses. The significant result of the team was abvious in the graduation project of the founders of the team, in which an old Nasr 127 car was converted into a smart electric car that can be fully controlled remotely using mobile phones, and it has been displayed in many specialized exhibitions.

In the same context, Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohamed Al-Batsh – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University stated that the “RGS” team continues to conduct workshops for new students to transfer to them the necessary practical experiences in the field of robotics and mechatronics. Moreover, it conducts competitive events (contests and exhibitions) To urge students to create, innovate and practicaly apply what they study and increase their knowledge in the field. It encourages the students to participate in competations with other engineering educational institutions’ students, including: (Masar Egbary line follower 2019 robot competition, where the robot identifies the predetermined path and automatically walks on it, the football robot competition ” Captain Robot 2020 “where the robot deals and passes the ball to participate with others in a stadium simulating a football playground, the“ RGS Robotics Show ”in 5 consecutive versions (2016-2017-2018-2019-2020) and Science Fair 4 Innovation Exhibition in cooperation with the Higher Technological Institute (in 2019).

Additionally, they took part in various local competitions and they obtained distinguished places in many of them: (The Fighter Robot competition in “Fighter Robot CIC ARENA I” in 2016, which was held at the Canadian International College in which they won the first place, the Line-Follower robot competition in Shubra Engineering “Line. follower Shoubra X “in 2016 in which they won the sixth place, the first meeting for engineering innovations of the Syndicate of Engineers in 2016 in which they won the first place, the “Fighter Robot CIC ARENA II” competition in 2017, which was held at the Canadian International College, the Sumo Robot competition “Fighter Robot IEEE Suez University Branch” in 2017 in which they won the second place, the Rescue Robot Competition “Real steel 4 emergency robot” in the Higher Technological Institution in 2018 in which they won the first place, the PESD 2018 exhibition, which was held in Port Said under the name of Port Said Engineering Day in which they won the second place, the Innovation Exhibition during Badr University Festival in 2018, Maker Faire in the years 2019-2020 which was held in the Smart Village, the Innovation Exhibition during the celebration of Al-Nakhili Company for the 50th anniversary of its establishment in 2019, the Cairo Innovation Exhibition Affiliated to the Academy of Scientific Research 2019, the “Line-Follwer Robot Competition” in 2019, which was held at the Egyptian-Russian University and they won the second and third places, and the Egyptian Engineering Day Exhibition “EED 2019”, which was held at Al-Azhar Conference Center. Last bust not least, the team’s mission internationally participated in “Robot Uprising 18” In Finland in 2018.

The Egyptian Russian University reveals the achievements of its student team for Mechatronics and Robotics lovers.