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Two ERU Students Winning 1st &2nd place in the Kung Fu Championship of the Sports Tournament for Egyptian Universities’ students

The administration of the Egyptian Russian University extends its sincere congratulations to the two students: Lili Ashraf Nagah Abdel Badea, enrolled in the Faculty of Applied Arts, and Shahd Yousry, enrolled in the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Business Technology, for their advanced positions in the field of Kung Fu within the sports championship for the students of all Egyptian universities and institutes. The 51st Rifai Tournament was held at the covered hall of Helwan University with the participation of many prestigious Egyptian universities such as Ain Shams University, Helwan University, Cairo University, Benha University, Alexandria University, and others.

Lili Ashraf Nagah Abdel Badea from the Faculty of Applied Arts was able to achieve first place in Kung Fu in the double-edged sword style, and also obtained third place in the optional northern style. Shahd Yousry from the Faculty of Management achieved second place in Kung Fu in the southern set 3 style.

Best wishes to all students of the Egyptian Russian University for continued excellence.