Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering

As a new academic year begins, we would like to welcome new comers as well as old students. For new students, this is the right time to join the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University, to realize your future hopes of being a successful engineer who will benefit the community in your preferred field of specialization. Our carefully selected distinguished programs make us one of the best engineering colleges in the region and our graduates are among the best engineering graduates with the ability to adapt with advanced technologies and market requirements. Students, staff, faculty, board of directors, alumni and community friends have contributed to the implementation of this exciting academic environment. We are extremely proud of our students and the influence they have made where they are employed inside or outside Egypt. We are delighted that you have joined us as part of our engineering community and we look forward to what we can achieve together. You can also follow us on our website to learn more about the quality, depth, and breadth of our programs.

Dean’s Welcome Note

Dean’s Message
As a new academic year begins, we would like to welcome new comers as well as old students. For new students, this is the right time to join the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University, to realize your future hopes of being a successful engineer who will benefit the community in your preferred field of specialization. Our carefully selected distinguished programs make us one of the best engineering colleges in the region and our graduates are among the best engineering graduates with the ability to adapt with advanced technologies and market requirements. Students, staff, faculty, board of directors, alumni and community friends have contributed to the implementation of this exciting academic environment. We are extremely proud of our students and the influence they have made where they are employed inside or outside Egypt. We are delighted that you have joined us as part of our engineering community and we look forward to what we can achieve together. You can also follow us on our website to learn more about the quality, depth, and breadth of our programs. Wish you all the best in your academic endeavors.

Prof. Dr. Alaa El-Butch
Dean, Faculty of Engineering


The Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University seeks to be in a prestigious position among the Egyptian, Arab and international engineering faculties and to be one of the development elements of the Egyptian-Russian cultural and scientific relationships.
The Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University supports the integration of educational, research and service process through providing distinguished academic engineering programs that allow its graduates to compete in different fields of work both locally and regionally, as well as preparing advanced technological engineering researches and unique society and industrial services under the umbrella of global quality systems to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, promote the production of knowledge, and establish the ethical values within a framework of professional responsibility and community partnership.

Three engineering programs at the Egyptian Russian University obtained quality accreditation

Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry Mohamed Abdel-Nabi, President of the Egyptian Russian University “ERU”, revealed that the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education “NAQAAE” headed by Prof. Dr. Johansen Yahya Eid has approved the accreditation of Telecommunication engineering, Mechatronics and robotics engineering programs at the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University, in its 220th session on 28th of September, 2022 and Construction engineering program in its 235th session on 24th of April, 2024.With the full support of Dr. Mohamed Kamal Mostafa, Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, the accreditation was obtained, as Dr. Sherif Fakhry pointed. The President of “ERU” added that granting this accreditation to Telecommunication engineering, Mechatronics and robotics engineering, and Construction engineering programs is a culmination of the efforts of the Quality Assurance team at the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center at the university, the Quality Assurance Unit, teaching staff members and teaching assistants in the various departments of the Faculty of Engineering. It is worth mentioning that this accreditation is valid for five academic years until it is renewed again in accordance with the requirements of the authority. Proudly, the issuance of this program accreditation is regarded as a recognition by the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation that the “Telecommunication engineering, Mechatronics and robotics engineering, and Construction engineering” programs provide engineering education matches with the standards of the Quality Assurance Unit. Various aspects of engineering education such as the richness of the curricula, the adequacy and efficiency of faculty members, the achievement of graduation requirements, the research and educational efforts of the faculty, community service programs, the method used in management and resources, the level of students and graduates, facilities and equipment in the scientific departments of the faculty and other areas of quality Higher Education are included in the Academic accreditation standards Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohamed Al-Batsh, Dean of the College of Engineering, mentioned that the accreditation of the ” Telecommunication Engineering , Mechatronics and robotics engineering and Construction Engineering” programs at the Faculty of Engineering from the ” Telecommunication engineering, Mechatronics and robotics engineering, and Construction engineering” (NAQAAE) is a new entitlement for the faculty, and a new commitment to maintain its position among engineering faculties among the Egyptian universities, develop the educational process in the faculty and mark a new stage in it. The dean insisted on continuing this success by accrediting the rest of the faculty’s programs in order to prepare a graduate meets the requirements of the local, regional, and international labor market, while maintaining the highest requirements for local and international academic education specifications conforming to the “Vision of the State Plan 2030” for the renaissance of Egyptian and Arab society. For his part, Prof. Dr. Alaa Muhammad Al-Batsh added that the decision of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education and Accreditation “NAQAAE” came as a result of the faculty and university’s capabilities of modern and advanced infrastructure, study regulations, teaching methods, programs, distinguished services to activate student activities in various fields, cooperation agreements conducted by the faculty and university administration with major international universities and specialized research bodies in various diverse sciences, especially engineering and technological sciences inside and outside Egypt. The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University “ERU” indicated that the distinguished group of faculty members and the teaching assistant staff, with high and unique academic competencies, contributed and helped to reach those achievements that can be seen every day on the ground. These achievements have a hand in preparing compatible graduates in the labor market, whether locally, regionally or globally. Moreover, he pointed out that the faculty contains distinctive programs from those in engineering faculties of other universities, and offers its students the opportunity to train in major national and private engineering projects. Last but not least, Dr. Alaa Muhammad Al-Batsh stated the approach of integrated team work applied by the members of the Faculty of Engineering is one of the most important features that enabled the faculty to succeeded in reaching that important step and obtaining the accreditation of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and the accreditation “NAQAAE” from the first time for the previously mentioned programs. This success is an incentive to complete the accreditation of the rest of the programs in the faculty and the rest of the programs of the other university’s faculties.