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Bylaws for the Center of Excellence in Research and Innovation, SICE

Activities of the Center of Excellence in Research and Innovation, SICE

First: Research projects

1- Obtaining the approval of the Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) on July 18, 2023 to finance a research project submitted by the Egyptian Russian University in the amount of 1,463,220 pounds. Title of the research project:
“Using corrosion inhibitors and environmentally friendly nanomaterials

to reuse ceramic wastewater in industrial and agricultural applications”
Research team members

A) Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim (Principal Investigator) Egyptian Russian University / Alexandria University

B) Dr. Ahmed Saeed Mahmoud (First Assistant Researcher) Egyptian Russian University / Arish University

C) Prof. Dr. Dalia Abdel Khalek (Second Assistant Researcher) – National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries

D) Prof. Dr. Rabab El-Sherif (Third Assistant Researcher) – Graduate School of Nanotechnology, Cairo University

E) Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Khaled Mustafa – Badr University in Cairo

F) Asst. Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Ragab Hamed – National Research Center

G) Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Ismail Gharib – National Housing Research Center

H) Dr. Mahmoud Khaled Abdel-Latif Ahmed – Egyptian Russian University

I) Eng. Mohamed Karim Mohamed – Egyptian Russian University

J) Eng. Karim Ahmed Kamel – Companies Ceramica Venice

2- Studies were conducted in cooperation with the Faculty of Pharmacy entitled “Using nanomaterials in combating the Corona virus”.

The results showed positive effectiveness and preparations are underway to publish a scientific research and a patent.

3- Contributing to an industrial lighter project within the University Olympiad with a team consisting of Assistant Professor Hani, Dr. Ahmed Saeed, Eng. Mohamed Karim and Dr. Mona from the Faculty of Pharmacy.

4- A research proposal is being submitted for funding from the Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) in cooperation with Arish University entitled:
“Utilizing sludge cake from chemically treated wastewater systems in the ceramic industry
for several economical purposes (Wastewater treatment media, raw material for ceramic and bio bricks production)”
Research team members:
Dr. Ahmed Saeed (Principal Investigator)
Prof. Sherif Fakhry (Alternate Principal Investigator)
Prof. Essam Khamis (Alternate Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor Hani Abdel Hamid “Center of Excellence in Science and Innovation”
Dr. Mahmoud Khaled “Faculty of Artificial Intelligence”
Eng. Mohamed Karim “Engineering Management at the Egyptian Russian University”

Second: University guidelines and various activities of the Center of Excellence in Science and Technology

1- Preparing and periodically updating the scientific research panorama of the Egyptian Russian University 2023/2024.
2- Completing the guide of scientific devices that operate efficiently at the university and approving it by the University Council.
3- Completing the issuance of the book of scientific publication in the university’s globally indexed journals during the period 2009-2023.
4- Continuous weekly update of scientific publication at the university.
5- Supervising the creation of a new website for the university.
6- Announcing the best research clusters Top 500 Topic Clusters by Scholarly Output at the Egyptian Russian University according to research outputs.
7- Announcing the best researchers at the Egyptian Russian University in scientific publishing Top Authors by Scholarly Output.
8- Conducting a citation check for faculty members at the university with an average of 40 research and theses per week.
9- Assisting more than 20 researchers in the various stages of publication, starting from guidance to applying to appropriate scientific journals.

Third: Conferences, workshops, training courses, seminars and public lectures.

1- Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim – Advisor to the President of the University for Academic Development and General Supervisor of the Center, gave a public lecture entitled “The Map of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Current Status of the Scientific Research System in Egypt” on Tuesday 12/13/2022 in the University Celebration Hall.

2- Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim, a public lecture entitled “The Road to “Third, Fourth, Smart and Green” Universities” on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, in the university’s celebration hall.

3- The Center for Excellence in Research and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City, Cairo, held the first workshop on Monday, 11/27/2023, at 11:00 am, headed by Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim – Advisor to the President of the University for Academic Development and General Supervisor of the Center, and in the presence of the Vice Presidents and Heads of Departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Dr. Ahmed Saeed – Center for Excellence in Research and Innovation.

Prof. Dr. Advisor to the President of the University for Academic Development explained that the workshop was held at their request to present the “Mechanism for Following Up on the Implementation of the Strategy and Executive Plan for Scientific Research for the College”.
His Excellency then moved on to discuss the “Balanced Score Card” (BSC) system for the Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs Sector, and explained the following:

Balanced Scorecard

Main Objectives Sub-Objectives Performance Measures for Sub-Objectives Executive Procedures Responsible for Implementation Performance Measures for Activities Deviation Range Annual Budget Expected

* The general measure for all sub-objectives is the actual to target ratio for each sub-activity
The workshop was completed at 1:30 PM.

4- The Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City, Cairo, held the second workshop on Monday 11/12/2023 at exactly eleven o’clock in the morning, headed by Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim – Advisor to the President of the University for Academic Development and General Supervisor of the Center, and in the presence of the deans and heads of departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mr. Dr. Director of the Quality Center at the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Mr. Dr. Ahmed Saeed – Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation.

Prof. Dr. The University President’s Advisor for Academic Development stated that the second workshop was held at their request to present “the mechanism for financing scientific research projects in Egypt.” 

His Excellency then moved on to discuss the following topics:

A) A brief on the interest in developing the higher education and scientific research system,

B) Future outlook and vision for higher education and scientific research

D) Economics of Scientific Research

F) The funding sites for research projects for undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers provided by the Science and Technology Funding Authority (STDF) and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology were reviewed.

5- The Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City, Cairo, held a workshop at the Faculty of Pharmacy on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, entitled “Qualitative Development of Research” and “Acquiring Research Projects” in the presence of a group of faculty members, assistant staff and students at the Faculty of Pharmacy. The number of attendees of the two lectures was 34 members by Dr. Ahmed Saeed as a requirement for developing research at the university and contributing to attracting research projects. The meeting dealt with

6- The Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City, Cairo, held a workshop at the Faculty of Pharmacy on Monday, February 26, 2024, entitled “Health Standards for the Safe Transport, Storage and Disposal of Medical and Industrial Waste Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals” in the presence of a group of faculty members, assistant staff, students and employees of the Faculty of Pharmacy and other faculties. The number of attendees at the lecture was about 40 by Dr. Ahmed Saeed as a requirement of occupational health and safety requirements.
The meeting dealt with

8- The Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University in Badr City, Cairo, held a scientific symposium on Monday, May 20, 2024, at the Faculty of Fine Arts, where Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim, Advisor to the President of the University for Academic Development and General Supervisor of the Center, gave a lecture entitled: “International Ranking of Globally Indexed Journals and Researchers’ Evaluation”, hosted by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Arabi, Dean of the Faculty, and attended by a number of faculty members, assistant staff at the university, and students of the Faculty of Fine Arts. The researchers, members of the Center of Excellence for Research and Innovation, also participated in the attendance. The Advisor to the President of the Egyptian Russian University for Academic Development explained that the lecture dealt with the history of issuing scientific journals, which began with the publication of the first French journal called “Journal of Scientists” in 1665 AD, and presented the scientific publishing file of the “Egyptian Russian University” and the latest scientific journals launched by the university entitled the Journal of the Egyptian Russian University for Research and the issuance of its fourth issue, and explained the most important global platforms that upload globally indexed journals and the number of journals uploaded to them. He referred to the Egyptian journals on the global Clarivate and Scopus platforms and presented examples of these Egyptian journals, and touched on the evaluation and ranking of scientific journals on these platforms and others. The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH) platform issued by Norway was presented, which is similar to the Clarivate and Scopus platforms in scientific journals. All journals included in the ERIH lists are classified based on categories A, B, and C, so that category A (a high-level international publication with a very strong reputation among researchers in this field and is regularly cited worldwide); category B (a standard publication at the international level with a good reputation among researchers in this field in various countries); and category C (an important publication at the local/regional level with mainly local/regional readers, but is sometimes cited outside the country of publication; only European publications were taken into account for this category). He added that most of the research published by the faculties of social sciences and humanities is written in Arabic, and international classifications often give priority to journals whose language of publication is English. Therefore, during the last ten years, a number of Arab databases have emerged, such as the Arab Impact Factor, the Arab Reference Citations (ARCI), and the Arab Index of Reference Citations and Quotations (ARCI), which worked to limit and classify Arab scientific journals in major databases in preparation for their classification.

9- Prof. Dr. Essam Khamis Ibrahim gave a public lecture entitled “Scientific Research from Standard to Creativity: Incubators, Companies, Science and Technology Valleys” on Monday, July 1, 2024, at the Startup Olympiad at the Egyptian Russian University.

10- The members of the Center of Excellence in Science and Innovation at the Egyptian Russian University are ready to hold the first international conference entitled:
“Enzymes and their Role in Sustainable Development:
Enzyme Industry in Egypt Between Reality and Hope”
During the first quarter of 2025 AD.

Fourth: Research published by the Center of Excellence in Science and Innovation

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