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The Egyptian Russian University announces the acceptance of transferred students from Sudan, Ukraine, and Russia

the University’s administration will open its doors from this week until the first of next October; For transferring the students from the countries: “Sudan, Ukraine, and Russia”, who wish to enroll in its various faculties. The faculties are: “Oral and Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Management, Economics and Business Technology, Fine Arts, Applied Arts, Alsun and Technical Languages”. According to the decision of the Council of Private Universities headed by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and scientific Research.

   In the same context, the president of the Egyptian Russian University confirmed that the student must be academically qualified for the college he is transferred to in terms of the “Scientific and Literary” division of study, the courses required for admission, and the internal conditions of the college, and the student will be enrolled in the university for next academic year (2023-2024), and make the necessary scientific clearing for him. Noting that the transferring of returning students will take place in accordance with the controls set by the decision of the Supreme Council of Private Universities and the conditions and rules for transferring to the corresponding colleges of one of the university’s colleges for the academic year (2023-2024) for this category of students.

On the same subject, Mrs. Ikram Mohamed, Secretary General of the Egyptian Russian University explained that for students of theoretical and practical faculties, they will be accepted directly in the corresponding faculties, provided that they are transferred from universities accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities, and in case of unaccredited universities, placement tests will be conducted for each male or female student. She pointed out that the governing conditions and rules are as follows:

1- Accepting Egyptian students studying in Sudanese, Ukrainian, and Russian universities in Egyptian universities, provided that the study in the university to which they are transferred is not less than one academic year for graduation.

2- the student submits a certificate of enrollment in the university from which he is transferred for the year (2022-2023), in addition to a statement of grades and a description of courses to make the necessary clearing. If the student cannot submit these documents , an acknowledgement to bring them within 3 months, before the beginning of the academic year is submitted; otherwise, his enrollment will be cancelled.

3- Students returning from these countries and studying at unaccredited universities in Egypt or returning without documents proving their enrollment, placement tests are taken to determine the level of their enrollment at”Cairo and Ain Shams” Universities, and as soon as their result is announced, they will be accepted, with acknowledgments to bring the documents within three months, otherwise, their enrollment will be cancelled.

4- For students who did not successfully pass at least a semester or a full academic year according to the credit hours system until the current year (2022-2023) and submitted proof of their enrollment in universities in the countries: “Russia, Ukraine, and Sudan”, they are allowed to apply to the first year in the corresponding colleges if the universities they are enrolled in abroad are accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities, but if they are not accredited, students must be transferred to study at the university according to the minimum grade of the year of obtaining a High School Certificate. In case the proof of their enrollment is not submitted, the student and his guardian shall submit an acknowledgment to bring proof  of his enrollment within three months from the date of submitting the transfer application. If this can not be submitted within the specified period, the transfer decision shall be void.

5- Students who wish to transfer must provide proof of actual residency  while studying in the countries: “Russia, Ukraine, and Sudan” until the academic year (2022-2023) by all means.

6- the student and his guardian submit an acknowledgement of the data provided about his academic status, and he is committed to submit documents indicating that and approved by his university and the Cultural Office before the beginning of the academic year (2023-2024) within three months.

7- The start of applying to the university will be on Saturday the 13 of May until the first of October of the current year, according to the decision of the Council of Private and Civil Universities.

8- Examinations are held in the following governmental colleges:

Examinations for students of faculties of medicine are held in the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and examinations for students of faculties of oral and dental medicine are held in the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Ain Shams University. Examinations for students of faculties of pharmacy are held in the Faculty of Pharmacy,  Cairo University, and exams for students of faculties of engineering are conducted in the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, while exams of the rest of disciplines are held in the faculties concerned in private universities.

   For his part, Mr. Emad Reda, Director of student and Alumni Affairs Department at the Egyptian Russian University confirmed that the documents required for submission of students returning from: “Sudan, Ukraine, and Russia” for the year (2023-2024) are:

1- Original High School Certificate or its equivalent.

2- The original Birth Certificate.

3- A certificate of enrollment stating that the student is enrolled in the academic year (2022-2023).

4- Statement of grades authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs + description of the courses.

5- Equivalent Universities: A letter from the Supreme Council of Universities regarding the equivalency of the college and university from which the student is transferred. As for Non-Equivalent Universities: passing the placement test from Cairo University or Ain Shams University.

6- A certificate of the student’s movements, in addition to the residency permit and the student’s passport.

7- The conscription status for male students is required: “a document of 6 soldiers, a document of 2 soldiers, and a statement from the Scholarships Department to postpone  conscription.