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Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) is a joint project between the students of the Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Department at the Egyptian Russian University and VALEO

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Fakhry, President of the University, and Prof. Dr. Alaa Al-Batsh, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al-Ramsesi, a joint project was launched between the students of the Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Department at the Egyptian Russian University and VALEO Company.
A group of students from the Mechatronics and Robotics Department presented the project idea “Advanced Driver Assistance System” (ADAS) within the framework of submitting and accrediting graduation projects for the bachelor’s stage at the faculty of Engineering for class 2018-2023. The ADAS system represents an integrated set of smart assistance systems to raise the levels of safety and security in driving vehicles.

As a way of ensuring the implementation of the ADAS project at a refined level, the project team submitted many requests for sponsorship and support from a number of major international companies, most notably VALEO, which specializes in developing cars with modern and smart technological systems. It’s worth mentioning that the project was accepted into the company’s program to support the students’ graduation projects. Upon the Graduation Project Mentorship Program, the needed substantive and technical support ,to complete the project, will be provided in a manner befitting of graduates of the Faculty of Engineering at the Egyptian Russian University and VALEO.

The activation of the project has begun, as VALEO has invited the team members and the project supervisor to a meeting at the company’s headquarters in the Smart Village on Tuesday 18th of October 2022 to discuss the idea of ​​the project, its systems and ways of solving the obstacles. A proposal for the work plan has been developed and periodic meetings will be held to ensure the success of the project.